Philanthropy at Horace Mann School
Since 1887, the philanthropic generosity of members of the Horace Mann School community has been crucial to the success of the School's mission. To continue to be able to educate capable young minds in socially significant ways, we depend on resources that exceed the cost of tuition and rely on financial donations from Parents, Alumni, Grandparents, Foundations, Faculty, Staff and Friends to provide this support.
The Alumni and Development Office works with the Development Committee of the Board of Trustees and over 350 Alumni and Parent volunteers to facilitate all major fundraising efforts for the school. Philanthropy plays and important role in ensuring HM’s continued success and we are extremely grateful to our community for their ongoing support.
The Annual Fund
Annual Fund contributions enhance academic and co-curricular programming, help us attract and retain the best and brightest faculty and staff, provide financial aid for an economically diverse community of students, and maintain our four beautiful campuses. In addition, strong philanthropic support allows us to restrain tuition growth each year.
For more information, please visit our Annual Fund page.
To make a gift to the Annual Fund now, please click here: Make a gift online
Capital Campaigns
All independent schools are required to raise capital funds for projects that are beyond the scope of their daily operations budget, for example, updated facilities or endowment enhancement. It is typical for a school to launch a capital campaign every five to eight years. While strong support of any capital initiative is crucial to the long term, academic and financial well being of Horace Mann School, the Annual Fund remains our top philanthropic need. Contributions to a capital campaign should be considered as a donation made in addition to maintaining one’s current Annual Fund support.
Our most recent capital campaign, HM in Motion, was a five-year, $100 million campaign launched in September 2016 with the specific goal of funding the construction and renovation of our new science, community, wellness, and athletics facilities on HM’s Middle and Upper Division Campus. We are pleased to share that we successfully closed our campaign on June 30, 2021 with over $125 million raised specifically to support the facilities project. The overwhelming support of our community allowed us not only to broaden the scope of our initial $100 million project but also to fully-fund this transformative effort. We remain grateful to all who helped us shape the future of Horace Mann School. To learn more about this record-breaking campaign, please visit the HM in Motion page.
If you are interested in learning how you can help Horace Mann School by making a major, multi-year commitment in addition to your Annual Fund support, please contact Melissa Parento '90, P'22,'26 Director of Development at