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Mission Statement & Welcome

As members of a caring community, we at Horace Mann School strive to use the resources of the Earth responsibly. We work to acquire the habits of thoughtful stewardship of the environment. We educate ourselves about the global costs and consequences of our actions. We endeavor to work across the community to develop practices that will contribute to a more healthful future.

Culture and Community

Our commitment to fostering great and giving lives of students, families, alumni, faculty, and staff includes serious and sustained efforts toward sustainable living.

Attention to the environment and sustainability is consistent with the school's core values. Horace Mann School will work to include these considerations in every aspect of its culture and to instill awareness of them in each member of the community. This awareness includes considerations for local and global wellbeing, and will cultivate decency, equality and mutual respect for all other human beings and living creatures.

Inclusion and Participation
All constituencies in the Horace Mann School community are encouraged to contribute thought and action to sustainability challenges in the communities to which we belong. We include sustainability and care for the environment among the core issues such as discrimination, equality of opportunity, citizenship, social equity, and cultural and spiritual awareness that inspire members of our community to take positive and constructive actions.

Horace Mann School supports Nursery through Upper Division curricula that teach eco-literacy across disciplines and encourage our students to become ambassadors for sustainability. We provide curricular, extra-curricular, and service learning activities that allow understanding of the complexity of environmental challenges.

Local Well–Being
Collaborating with parents, local businesses, schools, and community groups, we regularly engage in activities that promote sustainability.

The Global Dimension
Horace Mann School nurtures global consciousness and accepts responsibility for promoting sustainability. As a school, we participate in many activities linking us to the wider world. We extend this ethos throughout the School in our determination to move towards a healthier, safer, more inclusive and equitable society.

We encourage you to visit our School's Sustainability pages often as we are eager to share our good work with the community at large.

To learn more about past and ongoing initiatives, read the Spring 2010 Edition of the Horace Mann Magazine showcasing the School's commitment to sustainability.