Frequently Asked Questions
What does ICIE stand for?
Office for Identity, Culture, and Institutional Equity
Where is the Office located?
On the first floor of Tillinghast, the UD building on the Riverdale Campus. The Office is at the western end of the main corridor, to the left of the elevator.
Who works in ICIE?
Christine Moloney, Director, x3788
Natalie Sanchez, Associate Director x4156
Erikka Ramkishun, Office Manager, x4165
What does ICIE do?
The Office for Identity, Culture, and Institutional Equity works to ensure that the Horace Mann community is one in which everyone feels a sense of belonging. ICIE does this in a variety of ways, including providing professional development, group discussion facilitation, resources, and support for curriculum development to faculty/staff and students. The Office works closely with the Parent Alliance Groups that are based on racial/ethnic identity and sexual orientation, oversees student affinity spaces, and helps to connect the HM community to the many diversity and equity-related resources available in and out of the community. ICIE is also responsible for HM SEED, a professional development program for Employees, that encourages and supports the use of inclusive pedagogy in the classroom. ICIE serves as a resource, advocate, and strategic planner for every member of the HM community.