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HM Parent Institute


Dear Friends,

Welcome to the HM Parent Institute!

It’s my pleasure to introduce to you an important initiative that Horace Mann School has embarked on under the leadership of our Head of School, Tom Kelly. With Dr. Kelly’s vision for creating a Parent Institute, I have been in the fortunate position to serve as Director of the PI.

Spanning my over 40-year association with HM, first as a parent, and then as a member of the faculty, I increasingly came to recognize the importance of providing the families of our school community with opportunities to enhance their role as parents through guided presentations from a wealth of prominent national and international expertise in the various fields related to parent education.

As stated in the PI Mission, “The Parent Institute is designed to support families as they navigate their child’s educational, social and emotional developmental years at Horace Mann. We seek to instill in our families a sense of inclusion and belonging to our school community as well as cultivate a collaborative relationship between home and school. Developmental themes will be explored to assist families in parenting their children, providing them with the knowledge, guidance and confidence that is required in fostering healthy family relationships.”

Since the launch in 2018, the Parent Institute has sponsored a rich and varied program of events, offering our diverse community, a host of topics and themes that span the growth and developmental needs of children.

Our Parent Institute continues to expand and thrive. With the assistance of a dynamic Parent Advisory Board, consisting of 18 super engaged parents, we continue to enhance our offerings consistent with our ongoing mission to provide the varying needs of our families.

While we are in our infancy and continue to evolve, I encourage you to visit the Parent Institute site. If you are a current parent or guardian, click here to log in to the Parent Portal for more detailed information and resources. Otherwise, please take a closer look at Previous Events, Guest Speakers and Recommended Readings pages at the links to the left.

Enjoy your visit to the Parent Institute site!

All my best,

Wendy Reiter, MS Ed.
HM Parent ’93, ‘95

Director, Parent Institute