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Board of Trustees

Trustees of Horace Mann School are fiduciaries to the institution as a whole, collectively responsible for overseeing the welfare of the School and the pursuit of its mission. A vital part of that oversight is seeking to ensure that all legal obligations are met and that sound financial management is provided for both current and future operations. Although trustees often have other relationships with the School—as alumni/ae, parents, or relatives of current or former students, officers of alumni or parent associations or otherwise—each trustee must put aside these personal relationships and concern him, her or themself solely with what is in the best current and long term interest of the institution as a whole.

Board members are nominated by the Committee on Trustees & Governance and elected by the full Board. New Board members are selected based upon the immediate and long term needs of the School, and for their commitment to the School. The full Board meets at least six times a year, on and off campus, to receive and discuss reports from the Head of School and other administrators, Board Committees, outside consultants and students, where appropriate.

The Board handles the majority of its business through standing committees, which meet regularly. The Board has the authority to create additional committees as needed. The present committees are:

  • Executive Committee
  • Committee on Trustees and Governance
  • Academic Affairs, Enrollment, and Student Life Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Development Committee
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Investment Committee
  • Physical Facilities, Technology, and Real Estate Committee

To view the Board of Trustees' by-laws, please click here.

To view the Board of Trustees' Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Policy, please click here.

Contacting the Board of Trustees

To contact the Board of Trustees, please write to the address noted below:

Horace Mann School Board of Trustees
Attention: Mrs. Anne Joao
231 West 246th Street
Bronx, NY 10471

Please note that the Board may not be able to respond directly to all inquiries.

2023-2024 Board of Trustees



Laurence Grafstein, Chair

Matthew Mark ’90, Vice-Chair

Brian Eizenstat, Treasurer

Andrea L. Olshan '98, Secretary


Kara Acker
Susan Asante-Abedi
Glenn August
Michael Bennett
Daniel Benton
Samantha Cooper Brand '01
Jackie Friedman Brogadir
Steven C. Bussey '85
Drew Figdor
Winston C. Fisher
Tracy Hampton-Fraser '87
Irfan Hussain
Lauren Krueger '93

Justin D. Lerer '95
Ephram Lustgarten '96
Howard W. Lutnick
Monica M. Mandelli
Avinash Mehrotra
Stephen Mong
Robert O. Owens '67
Michael A. Pruzan '83
Vinayak Singh
Catherine Goodstein Wallace, M.D. '87
Keren Weltsch
Mariko Zeitlin
Sara Zion