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The Bronx and New York City

Our community relations with the Bronx and the rest of New York City are comparable to and an extension of our relationship with the Riverdale community. Horace Mann School was the location and supporting institution for Summer on the Hill, an academic enrichment program for public school students in New York City. This program used our space and facilities and was provided with a number of supporting services. Horace Mann hosts a holiday dinner for residents from a local battered women’s shelter and their children. Horace Mann hosted the DAIS (Diversity Awareness in Schools) conference. Students from other schools are able to take the SAT and ACT exams at Horace Mann.

Horace Mann School has a collaborative relationship with The Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics. From establishing connections between Horace Mann and BCSM teachers and administrators, sharing of books, lessons, and college counseling information, the two schools grew together as its first class of scholars progressed toward graduation. HM teachers visited BCSM and some BCSM students attended a week-long seminar at HM. On June 27, 2009, BCSM held its first commencement exercises in the Gross Theatre at Horace Mann School. We will continue to host the event as long as our friends need us.

The School's resources are also shared with our colleagues and friends at KIPP Academy and De La Salle Academy.