Center for Community Values & Action
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This academic year marks the Tenth Anniversary of service-learning at Horace Mann School. Some highlights of our current program:
- Our Upper Division (grades 9-12) is in the process of transitioning to a new service-learning requirement, based on impact and learning. We have dropped the previous 80-hour community service requirement. By next year, we will have close to 750 students involved in service-learning, with the largest numbers participating in our local Bronx communities.
- Our Upper Division Service-Learning Team has grown to 150 students who participated for at least one Trimester last year. The Team is participates in activities weekly in six sites, including 5 after school programs and a program for Seniors (60+).
- Our All-School Service Learning Day in April of 2016 attracted about 1500 participants to campus, from all grades and all constituencies in the School, and from our growing group of community partners.
- Our group of long-term community partners continues to grow, as our ongoing relationships deepen.