About Athletic Training
Athletic trainers are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians and specialize in the prevention, emergency care, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of sports-related injuries and illnesses.
Athletic trainers hold at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited athletic training program. 70 % of athletic trainers also hold a master’s degree. Accredited athletic training programs ensure graduates are proficient in the following areas:
- Acute Care of Injury and Illness
- Assessment of Injury and Illness
- Exercise Physiology
- General Medical Conditions and Disabilities
- Health Care Administration
- Human Anatomy
- Human Physiology
- Kinesiology/ Biomechanics
- Medical Ethics and Legal Issues
- Nutritional Aspects of Injury and Illness
- Pharmacology
- Professional Development and Responsibilities
- Psychosocial Intervention and Referral
- Risk Management and Injury/ Illness Prevention
- Statistics and Research Design
- Strength training and Conditioning
- Therapeutic exercise and rehabilitative techniques
- Therapeutic modalities
- Weight Management and Body Composition
Athletic trainers are regulated and licensed health care providers. Nearly every state has enacted legislation and established regulatory boards. In addition, a national board, the Board of Certification, Inc. certifies athletic trainers. AT’s must pass a board exam and have a BS to become certified. Certified Athletic Trainer’s must earn continuing education credits to maintain their certification.
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