Tuition FAQs
What is the tuition for 2024-2025?
What does the tuition pay for?
What other costs can we expect?
Is Financial Assistance available?
Will we be asked to contribute to Horace Mann?
What about next year? Will the tuition increase? How much?
What is the tuition for 2024-2025?
The tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $64,070. (Tuition for the part time Threes program is $46,010.) For more detailed information, visit the Tuition & Financial Aid Page.
What does the tuition pay for?
Eighty-five percent of the tuition dollars pay for faculty salaries and benefits. Horace Mann has an unusually large faculty for an independent day school. This enables us to offer the wide variety of courses at the upper levels, and to provide specialized services at all Divisions. The remaining fifteen percent of tuition dollars pay for teaching materials and supplies, equipment used in the classes, class trips and activities, financial aid, technology, maintenance, and other school expenses.
What other costs can we expect?
Additional costs vary from division to division. At the Nursery and Lower Division most other costs are included. In the Middle and Upper Division, lunch and books are not included in the tuition figure. Parent(s)/guardian(s) should also take time to look at the technology requirements for students at HM as computers are not included in the tuition. Transportation costs are additional for all students. When students take a trip during the school day, the costs are included. If students participate in special trips, for example, the Glee Club summer trips, or travels during the spring break with world language classes or clubs, those costs are additional. Some athletic equipment and supplies are included; team coaches can provide specific information. Private music lessons are available at the Middle and Upper Divisions for an additional cost.
Is Financial Assistance available?
Yes, for families who qualify. Please visit the Applying for Financial Aid page for more information.
Will we be asked to contribute to Horace Mann?
Yes. The tuition costs do not cover the entire expense of educating students at HM. The Annual Fund is the school’s yearly campaign to raise funds in support of the daily operations budget. Contributions from trustees, parents, alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, members of the faculty and staff, and other friends of the school help to close the gap that exists between tuition and the actual cost of a Horace Mann education. Each year we set a goal for the Annual Fund of 100% parent participation. While leadership gifts are important for the school’s economic strength, every gift does matter and every gift does make a difference. Strong financial support of the Annual Fund demonstrates the donor’s understanding and commitment to the school. Annual Fund gifts range in size from $5 to $50,000. We expect that each person will participate at a level appropriate for his or her circumstances.
Parents are also encouraged to donate their time to the School by participating in School and Parents' Association activities.
For more information about philanthropy at Horace Mann School, click here.
What about next year? Will the tuition increase? How much?
Each year, the Horace Mann School Board of Trustees meets and sets the tuition figures for the following year. They make this decision based on estimated costs and expenses. In recent years, the annual tuition increase has been between 4% and 6%. For example, in 2023-24, the tuition for grades K-12 was $61,900. Families who receive Financial Aid often receive additional funding to help cover this increase. "The trustees and administration work hard to minimize any tuition increase while striving to maintain the overall quality and integrity of the programs we offer,” says Dr. Thomas Kelly, Head of School.