Credit & Reports
Summer Program Credit
Students will only receive credit for courses that fulfill departmental requirements. Students should have a thorough conversation with their grade dean to determine whether taking a credit-bearing Summer Program course is the right step on their academic path.
Summer Program Reports
Summer Program credit-bearing courses are divided into two semesters. Students receive a grade for each semester which will appear on their transcript just as during the regular academic year. Because of the brevity of the programs, parents or other guardians are updated immediately if a student is struggling rather than receiving a snapshot grade as they would during the regular academic year.
It is the goal of Horace Mann Summer Program to maintain communication with parents throughout the program. Parents or other guardians, likewise, are encouraged to contact the Summer Program office or their child's teacher to keep pace with their progress or with any questions and concerns about their child's academic or social life. If a parent, guardian, or student needs more contact information for each teacher, please contact the Summer Program office at 718-432-4170.