Study Grants
Horace Mann School supports faculty members in the continuation of their formal education and encourages all teachers to pursue advanced degrees. All faculty members under contract for the upcoming school year are eligible to receive Study Grants, with the exception of Teaching Assistants at the Lower and Nursery Divisions. Grants are intended to support course work toward a degree or certificate and may not be used to maintain residency in a graduate program. In addition, grants are not intended for a course of study unrelated to a faculty member's primary assignment at Horace Mann School. Also, online credits are not acceptable. Proposals for Study Grants are to include a listing of all courses to be taken, name of the educational institution, tuition for each course and total cost. Study Grant recipients must submit a paid bursar's bill in order to receive reimbursement. Grants are awarded at the discretion of the Grants Committee, based on the following formula:
- Full-time teachers: $4,500
- Part-Time Teachers: pro-rated, based on the teacher’s appointment