Academic Life

Horace Mann is a coeducational nondenominational independent day school. True to our mission, we are dedicated to teaching our students in the traditional fields of humane learning with rigor and passion. We offer an abundant array of courses with broad exposure to the arts, the humanities, and the sciences. Our students are challenged to think deeply, explore intensely, and express themselves surely in speech and writing so that they will develop effective tools of critical inquiry. We instill habits of mind that set our students on a path of life-long learning and prepare them to excel at the most demanding colleges and universities in the nation and abroad.
The academic life thrives at each of our divisions under the aegis of our core values. These values frame what and how we teach as well as what we expect from our students as citizens of our campus and the rapidly changing world beyond. A robust and vibrant academic life draws its energy from the ardor and vigor inherent in the dynamic between faculty and students, rooted in intellectual honesty.
The Life of the Mind prospers when students are curious and value learning as a life-long endeavor; when they make their best effort to meet the expectations established by their teachers; when at all times they respect the tenets of academic honesty and work with integrity; when they do their own work; and when they support the intellectual efforts of friends and colleagues.
Mature Behavior demands that students make every effort to respect and follow School rules and regulations; that students be honest and sincere, and inform their subject teacher when they need help with school work or when issues arise that may impact their ability to do their work properly; and that students take full responsibility for their actions, including accepting the (un)intended consequences thereof.
Mutual Respect requires that students treat their fellow students and the members of our faculty, staff, and administration in a respectful and civil manner; that students listen and respond positively to constructive criticism; that students show respect, care, and concern for all members of the Horace Mann community; and that students be open to learning about cultural differences and the traditions of others within and outside of the Horace Mann community.
A Secure and Healthful Environment entails that students make every effort to come to school well-rested and prepared to contribute to and participate in their classes and other activities; that students ask for assistance if they experience undue stress; that students act to keep the school environment clean and safe for everyone, and to prevent wasteful use of resources; that students help others whenever the occasion arises; and that students report any situation that might be dangerous or unhealthful for members of the Horace Mann community.
A Balance between Individual Achievement and a Caring Community asks that students seek to establish their own balance between meeting academic demands and service to others by participating with equal enthusiasm in both; that they take pride in the work of all members of the Horace Mann community and celebrate their contributions to the common good.
With respect to course content and pedagogy, our curriculum is designed to respond to the ever-changing requirements of life beyond the classroom walls. Our teachers, departments, and divisions incorporate the latest research findings into a carefully calibrated sequence of classes, programs, and activities. The organizational dynamic among our five divisions fosters such coordination and permits the School to manage change across departments and divisions. Our Division Heads and administrators all serve as classroom teachers, so that they remain closely involved in and attuned to the academic life and needs of our students. In final analysis, the solidity of our curriculum and the value of a Horace Mann education rest on the moral and intellectual character of our graduates.